あなたの研究に一番影響を与えた理論家の名前を教えてください5 memo2

昔あるシンポでJim Heapはある「関心」を語った。読んだのははるか昔院生時代だが、その時アメリカの社会学をとてつもなく羨ましく思ったのを憶えている。日本で同様の趣旨の発言、論文を見たことがあるだろうか? 私はない。こうした発言ができる研究環境、こうした「関心」を許容する研究環境を今でも本当に羨ましく思っている。恐らく、こうした「関心」を表明できないことが日本の社会学、そしてEMの不幸なのだろうと真剣に思う。

"When is phenomenology sociological?" Why would we want to answer that question? It suggests some kind of discipline concern. It seems to me to be motivated by a concern that we can only play with certain kinds of things that are in our own yards, and we have to figure out when this animal gets in our yard, because that is the only time we can play with it. Now, we might want to think whether there is some kind of academic motivation behind this question. I am concerned about that. That seems to me to be an
unfortunate concern,
because it buys into the notion that there is a discipline that has certain boundaries, it has this yard, it has this space, it has limits. My concern would be that we would not want to accept these limits, we wouldn't want to pre-define our interests, so that if the animal began leaping across the fence we couldn't follow it, because after all we are sociologists.
I would want to follow the animal.